Customer Testimonials

We have heard many positive reviews from friends and customers on their OmniBlend blenders and recipes.  If you have any recipes, ideas and comments...we want to hear them!  Our business and goals are set on the foundation of wanting a healthier life and sharing that love with all of you!


Hello Nick,
I wanted to let you know I received my Omniblend yesterday.
It works great, I made a green smoothie for myself and an “upset stomach” smoothie for my husband (with ginger) and it blends wonderfully, it has exceeded my expectations!
I’m sipping my morning green smoothie as I type this and I am so thrilled I decided to take the plunge and get the OmniBlend not just a blender.
Shipping was so fast, thanks again!!
Leighann N.


Hi Nick & Amber,
My Husband and I purchased an Omni blender back in August from you after I found your add on Kijiji. In the past we have tried other blenders and have not been happy with the results. You may remember that I had lots of questions and I can tell you I was hesitant at first because it is a big investment. Today I am pleased to tell you that we absolutely love our Omni-blender and believe with out a doubt it was money well spent. We use our blender at least twice a day sometimes more and it works like a charm every time! At first I thought I would use it just for smoothies but now I make everything from veggies burgers, to ice cream, to brownies, to salad dressings/dips to soups and more! I recently developed a dairy allergy so the blender has been a GOD send to me in whipping up dairy free alternatives. My husband has lost 28 pounds in 5 weeks due to the healthier eating we are doing using the blender. Thank-you so much for caring this product, it has changed our eating strategies for the positive!

S.F & R.F.


Hi Nick,
We made our first green smoothies green chunks! Yay! Thanks for your patience with all my questions.....i'm very happy with the blender performance on initial impression and will share the results with any friends in the market for a professional blender.
Thanks again,



Hello Nick,
I bought my Omniblend and have used it several times in a varietyof healthy and sweet applications.  Do not go out and spend $400+ on acompetitors commercial machine, Omniblend is all you need.  Work great!

Thanks again Nick.